Global EOR
How do “Global EOR” companies do it?
Global EOR and PEO (Professional Employer Organization) businesses in most instances use “in-country” partners to act as the official Employer of Record. These Global EOR/PEO businesses are referred to as “aggregators”. They provide a technology platform where “in-country” partners’ payrolls and HR systems are merged into, to provide a consolidated view of the customer’s global payroll.
The reality is that the actual “in-country” partner is a different legal entity. An easy way to know this is to check in whose name the employment contract is drafted. At DNA we believe in dealing directly with our customers – no middlemen. If you are looking at legally employing top-talent in South Africa, there is no-one better than us. Our customers access our cloud platform directly. No integrations are required. We’ll gladly run a live test on our platform for you. Ask a global EOR/PEO for this – you won’t get the same response.
Global EOR companies tend to have a “sausage machine” approach with the sole objective of on-boarding as many people as quickly as possible. They also tend to be inflexible when it comes to changing SLA’s and pricing.
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